Hey, friend!

Thanks so much for signing up for the A New You Simple Weight Loss Program!

I’m so excited to be on this journey with you. It is time to embrace a new you. Change is always possible.  To get started down load your program materials below:


Week 1

Suggested Meal Plan & Shopping Lists


Read Guide for Week 1. Become reacquainted with REAL food.

Cut back on your caffeine and sugar intake. Sugar is the real culprit when it comes to weight gain so the quicker you can eliminate that devil, the sooner you’ll see changes in your body.

Exercise daily. You will probably get sick of hearing me say that but it’s really very basic advice. “Use it or lose it” is very apropos when it comes to taking care of your body so regain some muscle tone and flexibility by exercising.

Drink water daily. Your body needs hydration just as much as it needs proper nourishment to lose weight and to function properly.

Journal your feelings; acknowledge your challenges and fears. No one is perfect, even though they may seem perfect on social media. Don’t fall for that hype.

Talk to your family about your lifestyle changes. Are they on board? Don’t let their stubbornness curtail your success.


Week 2

Suggested Meal Plan & Shopping Lists


Print out your Week 2 Guide and read the list of foods to avoid. If you’re following the program as written, these metabolism-depleting foods won’t appear in your recipes or in your kitchen. But if you’ve been allowing a little cheat bite here or there, just understand that you’re only cheating yourself. Eliminate this list of foods immediately.

Next, notice the metabolism-boosting foods. Try adding one or two of these this week. Don’t be nervous! You’re healing your entire body and these gems will help your metabolism heal faster.

Take note of how our suggested meals are already balanced. Healthy carbs, fats, and proteins should become your new mantra.

Reread the section about Lifestyle Tips to Support Your Metabolism.

Time to switch up your exercise but there’s no need for fancy gyms or equipment. You’ll find dozens of videos on YouTube, from yoga to beginner weight lifting. Even adding simple pushups and squats will mix up your exercise routine enough to keep it interesting.

Drink your water. I can’t repeat that enough. The more water you drink, the more your body will crave it. Honestly.


Week 3

Suggested Meal Plan & Shopping Lists


Read the Week 3 Guide carefully and take note of any hormonal symptoms you currently experience. If you are following this weight loss program carefully, you may even notice some symptoms lessening by now.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about supplements to support your hormones. Always check with a professional to be certain no supplements will have adverse reactions with your current medications.

Exercise and stay hydrated (yes, I’m a broken record about this!)

Schedule a doctor appointment to have your thyroid and blood glucose tested. 

Take the Week 3 Guide with you to the doctor appointment to discuss your supplement options.  

Read the section about Self-Care in the Week 3 Guide. There’s so much more to self-care than taking a bubble bath. Treat yourself to some down time and also set boundaries.

Bonus Food Diary

Food has the power to either fuel us or deplete us. Too often we are not aware of the physical and emotional effect food has on our body and mind. Use this Diary to track and write down how you are feeling throughout this process of small, subtle changes and note if imbalances occur if you are eating out or at home.

Take a deep breath. No matter how busy you are, you can do this. I have made this program simple for you.

Please consult your doctor before starting your program. I am not here to diagnose, cure or treat you. I am a health coach and my job is to educate and empower you.

If you feel you need more support during your program, please contact me for one on one coaching here. lisa@lisacohenfitness.com

Lots of love,

Lisa C.