Having issues logging in or accessing your Online content?

Please find helpful tips below.

Log in

In the lower right hand corner of every page on lisacohenfitness.com you will see this Log in link. If you are already logged in it will read “My Account”

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Account Credentials

Use your email address and password to log in. If you have forgotten your password you can easily reset it by clicking the “forgot password” link. An email will be sent to you with instructions.

Account Dashboard

Your programs will show up under “Plans” with links to your exclusive content.

Once you click Access Content under the program name, it will redirect you to the Online Program Content Page with links to all your exclusive materials.

Online Program Content

Each program page will have links to all of the great material you will need to complete your program. You have to be signed into your Account to access these pages.

As always any questions please email me!